Samec Macchine, leader in the construction of machines for the processing of electrical cables.
Samec Macchine designs and manufactures innovative industrial machines and complete lines dedicated to the processing of electrical cables: machinery for cutting multi-core and flat cables, for stripping and cutting cables, for unjacketing and cutting, for dereeling and rewinding of coils, for stacking cables in coils. The company is located in Santorso in the province of Vicenza, but operates throughout Italy and also internationally. The industrial machinery produced by Samec are: multi-core cable stripping and stripping cutting machine, multi-core cutting and stripping machine, machine for cutting and multi-core stripping, cable cutting machine, cable stripping machines, cable unjacketing machines, solutions and machinery for working with multi-core cables, electronic cable stripping, automatic unjacketing and cutting machines, automatic cutting machines, motorized dereelers, rewinders and pre-feeders of electrical cables, stackers, hot melt cable co-molding machines, ultrasonic welders for electrical cables.
Via delle Prese, 45
36014 Santorso (VI) – Italy
P.Iva/C.F. 02219820244
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T. +39 0445 576149
F. +39 0445 501255